
Here are some of the wonderful pets that have been gifted to the Veterinary Education Pet Gifting Programme. 

George the Jack Russell/Westie%

George the Jack Russell/Westie

Favourite place to snooze:
In his bed
Favourite Toy:
Wasn't into toys
Favourite Treat:
Liked a sausage
Favourite Person:
He didn't really like anyone that much
Naughtiest trait:
Being very yappy and snappy
Comments from the owner:
He wasn't really a people person, or a doggy person, but we loved him very much.
Charlie the Cat%

Charlie the Cat

Comments from the owner:
Charlie joined our family 9 years ago as a rescue, we always knew he was going to be a big mischievous cat and he certainly was. He had a big Doggy Husky sister called Mika and a little Doggy sister called Bella. Bella and Charlie loved to play and chase each other, although Bella did most of the chasing but Charlie would put her in place when he needed to. He was not always a lap cat but certainly had a lot of love to give, on his own terms of course! He loved to sit on top of the shed and look into the neighbours yard who were always happy to see him sitting there. His favourite places to sleep were with his 2 human brothers, stretching out on their beds like he owned it and they would let him. He was a special boy and is sorely missed by all of us but will never be forgotten. We love you Charlie ❤️
Belle the DLH%

Belle the DLH

Favourite place to snooze:
On her owners lap
Favourite Toy:
The best toys are the feathers on the sticks to chase and pounce on
Favourite Treat:
Any and all wet food
Favourite Person:
Her Mum
Naughtiest trait:
Hated bloods being taken- needed all the gabapentin to make her less angry
Comments from the owner:
She once donated blood to save an IMHA cat when she was younger!
Jack the Persian%

Jack the Persian

Favourite place to snooze:
Under the covers on the bed
Favourite Toy:
His cat tree or little squirrel
Favourite Treat:
Favourite Person:
All of us
Naughtiest trait:
Chasing Brogan round the house
Comments from the owner:
Jack was the sweetest boy, so loving and affectionate. He lived 20 happy years and was much loved by all the family. He is deeply missed

Bluebell the West Highland White Terrier

Favourite place to snooze:
Favourite Toy:
another dog
Favourite Treat:
Favourite Person:
much loved by me
Naughtiest trait:
'sings' very loudly for attention has had 1 litter born august 2016
Comments from the owner:
matriarcal - she is boss dog over my small pack

Peppa the Jack Russell Terrier

Favourite place to snooze:
On someone’s lap
Favourite Toy:
Tennis balls to peel off the fluffy bit
Favourite Person:
Anyone that will give her attention
Naughtiest trait:
Stealing any food she can.
Comments from the owner:
Peppa was very loveable and loyal,she loved cuddles. She will be missed greatly by us all.

George the Labrador

Favourite place to snooze:
In the garden in the sunshine
Favourite Toy:
Anything he can play with
Favourite Treat:
Favourite Person:
Anyone that will give him attention
Naughtiest trait:
Stealing off of the worktops
Comments from the owner:
George was a happy loving dog, he was always waiting to greet anyone he saw and loved going for long walks through the woods.
Miya the Siberian husky%

Miya the Siberian husky

Favourite place to snooze:
Either the back door or the second to top step outside where she could keep watching over everyone.
Favourite Toy:
Squeaky pink pig.
Favourite Treat:
Butter, was her favourite.
Favourite Person:
Naughtiest trait:
Stealing butter and bread, she always had a knack of getting it. She would wait till we were distracted.
Comments from the owner:
Miya was very loveable and loyal,she loved cuddles but only on her terms. She was stubborn at 1 am in the early hours, she would just lie in the cool air and not move just when I was wanting to lock up for the night.
Thor the Ginger Tabby%

Thor the Ginger Tabby

Favourite place to snooze:
3rd step from the top
Favourite Toy:
Orange doughnut
Favourite Treat:
Chicken selects and catnip
Favourite Person:
Mum and Dad
Comments from the owner:
Thor, god of cat treats, was a special orange boy. He loved his mum and dad, and broke all of his toys. He always wanted food, and loved a good long fuss. He was scared of the neighbours kittens, because Thor was a big wuss. He was funny, he was handsome, he was also very sweet. And at night his favourite game was ambush mothers feet. He filled our lives with joy, made everyday a pleasure. Thor will be remembered, from now until forever. Sleep well our handsome boy
Jerry the DSH%

Jerry the DSH

Favourite place to snooze:
Out side during the day or on my mum's bed
Favourite Person:
His human mummy
Naughtiest trait:
A big hunter
Chablis the Cat%

Chablis the Cat

Favourite place to snooze:
You would always find Chabs in a sunny spot, either outside in the garden or somewhere in the house. She loved to snuggle up on our bed, or on top of the toasty boiler.
Favourite Toy:
In her younger days, Chabs loved to chase a laser pointer, or even better any little creature she could find in the garden!
Favourite Treat:
Roast chicken was her favourite treat, and we always joked that she could hear a packet of ham being opened a mile away!
Favourite Person:
She loved us all dearly, and our three little dogs were her best furry friends.
Naughtiest trait:
Any bag, or even better, a big box always caused endless hours of entertainment playing hide and seek!
Comments from the owner:
Our dearest little Chabs was the kindest, sweetest, most loving little person. She was so much fun, and we had the best two way conversations! She was a very dear friend who is dreadfully missed by us all.
Keith the Shih tz x Tibetan Terrier%

Keith the Shih tz x Tibetan Terrier

Favourite place to snooze:
His bed in lounge
Favourite Toy:
Anything squeeky
Favourite Treat:
Favourite Person:
Whoever had the treats
Naughtiest trait:
Barking at the phone
Comments from the owner:
His party piece was knocking on the door when he wanted to come back in
Willow the Jack Russell Terrier mix%

Willow the Jack Russell Terrier mix

Favourite place to snooze:
On mummy and daddy but also the top of the couch. Our cushions feel wrong without her there to squish them.
Favourite Toy:
Foxy the squeaky fox, her squeaky steak, sir crabbius the red crab who lost his filling because she chewed on him too much and finally, her collection of 24 tennis balls in total.
Favourite Treat:
Chicken, custard cream biscuits and cooked red pepper (sweet, not spicy)
Favourite Person:
Daddy (Mason, me) she was my shadow, therapist, best friend and my entire reason for living. I miss her horribly every minute and I hope you're taking care of her and learn as much as you can to protect other pets who are just as loved as she is.
Naughtiest trait:
Her princess bark! A very high pitched sharp yap bark when you held her ball or treat for too long! Princess barks meant she was done and you best give her her toy!
Comments from the owner:
Willow loved watching the ducks at the river, never attacked them but loved watching them. She enjoyed taking part in fun dog shows at fetes, keeping daddy safe from his mental health issues and bus rides were her favourite thing in the world! She would sit on the seat and watch the world go by, she loved adventures on the bus.
Mrs Johnson the Domestic Cat%

Mrs Johnson the Domestic Cat

Favourite place to snooze:
Anywhere but cat beds. Fond of carrier bags or cardboard boxes.
Favourite Toy:
When she was about three she used to love this like metal chain of a dog tag necklace. She'd literally play fetch with it and would only have to hear it!
Favourite Treat:
Wafer thin ham
Favourite Person:
Me I hope
Naughtiest trait:
Eating off dinner plates only when she got older though
Comments from the owner:
She was my absolute world. Loved by all that met her. Won a competition to be entered into love it magazine for cutest pet I think it was.
Lucky the Shih Tzu%

Lucky the Shih Tzu

Favourite place to snooze:
On my bed
Favourite Toy:
Squeeky ball
Favourite Treat:
Denta sticks
Favourite Person:
Naughtiest trait:
Kaspar the Gsd%

Kaspar the Gsd

Favourite place to snooze:
Next to me
Favourite Toy:
His pink ball
Favourite Treat:
Favourite Person:
His human mum (me)
Naughtiest trait:
Screaming like a banshee when the back door is opened
Comments from the owner:
He changed my life. He came to me at 8 months old and was my boy from the start. He would snuggle up next to me as big as he was and would sleep next to me all night. He was a gentle boy that never hurt anyone. He was and still is so loved.
Biscuit the Dogue de Bordeaux%

Biscuit the Dogue de Bordeaux

Favourite place to snooze:
The whole sofa!
Favourite Treat:
Dental sticks She'd wake my husband up at 3 or 4 am because she wanted her treat. She also loved tummy tickles.
Favourite Person:
My husband--her Dad
Naughtiest trait:
She wouldn't drink from the water bowl twice. She insisted on our changing the water every time. She also drooled most of it out onto the kitchen floor. It was a lake in there most days!
Comments from the owner:
She was a lovely cuddly dog. She only had 2 dog friends but she liked people as long as they paid her homage. Biscuit could be very stubborn but she was also very caring and protective of my husband and me. When I suffered from depression, she wouldn't leave my side. If my husband wanted to stay behind and talk to someone on a walk, Biscuit wouldn't leave him. She liked to steal our seats if we got up for a minute! We'll miss her every day. She's left such a big hole in our lives.
Oscar the Miniature poodle%

Oscar the Miniature poodle

Favourite place to snooze:
Favourite Toy:
Loved playing with pairs of socks
Favourite Treat:
Loved all treats
Favourite Person:
Oscar shared his love around
Naughtiest trait:
As a young dog he loved a bit of hunting (flushing our pheasants a particular favourite). He nicked a block of cheese out of a hamper at Christmas but didn't eat it all - but we saw the teeth marks.
Comments from the owner:
Full of life, young at heart, right up to near the end - in spite of arthritis. Oscar began life as one of Hearing Dogs for Deaf People's puppies and was selected to be a stud dog for their breeding programme. He went on to have 42 puppies, many of which qualified to work with deaf people. We were fortunate enough to foster him till he was 7 and then adopted him when he retired from Hearing Dogs. We are thankful to Hearing Dogs for entrusting such a lovely, precious, special, wonderful dog to us. We have been greatly blessed and are very thankful for him.
Roobie the Golden Retriever%

Roobie the Golden Retriever

Favourite place to snooze:
On her fluffy bed, my bed or the sofa!
Favourite Toy:
She had many toys which as was her nature to retrieve and offer as a gift, but most prized was her collection of socks which she gathered from anyone who discarded them overnight. She didn’t seem to mind repeating this exercise when I would take them off her to be washed and reworn!
Favourite Treat:
As a Golden Retriever she was rarely fussy but any chicken or salmon piece was a special treat.
Favourite Person:
Anyone in the immediate family, she had an happy & ebullient (sometimes inappropriate!) bond with our sons but was probably most loyal to me.
Comments from the owner:
Roobie was the sweetest and most loving dog. She was a huge comfort to me when I lost my husband in 2021. We were inseparable and I’d avoid ever leaving her. She was a big hit at my Mums care home, usually giving other residents fuss. She has left quite a legacy of 13 pups, so I will have a link to her for the foreseeable future. She was kind, soft, gentle & sweet natured.
George the Jug%

George the Jug

Favourite place to snooze:
Bed with mammy
Favourite Toy:
His squeezy squirrel & ball
Favourite Treat:
Duck fillets
Favourite Person:
Mammy & my daughter & 2 cats
Naughtiest trait:
Before a walk excited
Comments from the owner:
He loved hiking, he loved cats & his family ...we miss him dearly
Frankenstein the Cat - DSH%

Frankenstein the Cat – DSH

Favourite place to snooze:
On his fluffy blankets
Favourite Toy:
He was quite old when we got him so didn't play very much
Favourite Treat:
Lik-e-liks and chicken
Favourite Person:
Anyone who will scratch his head
Naughtiest trait:
He loves food a bit too much!
Coolio the Domestic Shorthaired%

Coolio the Domestic Shorthaired

Favourite place to snooze:
On my knees
Favourite Treat:
Favourite Person:
His mum Tinkerbell
Naughtiest trait:
Falcor the American bully%

Falcor the American bully

Favourite place to snooze:
On the couch with his family
Favourite Toy:
His bone
Favourite Treat:
Anything duck flavour
Favourite Person:
Naughtiest trait:
Loved to chew Daddy when playing
Comments from the owner:
He loved sitting on mummy and getting cuddles from his sister's. Was the friendliest cuddles boy that just wanted love.
Molly the Chocolate Labrador retriever%

Molly the Chocolate Labrador retriever

Favourite place to snooze:
Where she can see me.
Favourite Toy:
Sandy (golden lab stuffed teddy)
Favourite Treat:
Favourite Person:
Mum Claire
Naughtiest trait:
Running off with socks
Comments from the owner:
Molly used to shake and nod her head when you asked her a question. We are sure she knew much more of the English language than we thought she did.
Leo the Labrador%

Leo the Labrador

Favourite place to snooze:
On his cushion in the living room
Favourite Treat:
Anything edible
Favourite Person:
He loved his bestie - Dougal our ginger cat- they went everywhere together
Naughtiest trait:
Stealing food - once stole the milk mans lunch out of his milk float
Stripey the Moggy%

Stripey the Moggy

Favourite place to snooze:
Favourite Treat:
Anything edible
Naughtiest trait:
Stealing food
Tibby the Domestic shorthair%

Tibby the Domestic shorthair

Favourite place to snooze:
Curled up in a ball on the sofa
Favourite Toy:
Favourite Treat:
Cuddles and lots of fuss
Favourite Person:
All of us
Naughtiest trait:
Tibby always struggled using a litter tray so occasionally I would find him squatting on the toilet seat and having a wee in the toilet. Unfortunately he couldn’t flush the toilet but I let him off!
Comments from the owner:
Tibby was a true gentlemen, he had a little white patch at his front which we called his tuxedo collar. He was very vocal and would always welcome us back home with lots of noise and attention. He was truly such a good boy and we miss him so much!
Billy the Mixed Breed%

Billy the Mixed Breed

Favourite place to snooze:
Sofa or his bed
Favourite Toy:
Spiky squeaky bone or any ball
Favourite Treat:
Gravy bones sausages
Favourite Person:
Grandad (my dad)
Naughtiest trait:
Ripping up footballs/toys but never a humans
Comments from the owner:
Likes the ladies
Tinkerbell the Domestic Shorthaired%

Tinkerbell the Domestic Shorthaired

Favourite place to snooze:
On my chest
Favourite Toy:
Card board boxes
Favourite Treat:
Chicken breast and Ice cream
Favourite Person:
Naughtiest trait:
Bites when aggravated
Comments from the owner:
I got Tinkerbell when she was 2 weeks old. We had her for 17 years watched her grow and have babies of her own she was a good mum. When she sat on my chest she used to give me a wash even when I was asleep to wake me up. I loved her a lot and still do . She was a big part of my family she is my baby girl. I miss her so much and her son misses her too. I think of her every day. I still call her name to come in when it's raining because she hated the rain.
Marley the British Staffy%

Marley the British Staffy

Favourite place to snooze:
On the sofa next to me and my bed
Favourite Toy:
All types of balls
Favourite Treat:
Favourite Person:
My friend Latasha he imprinted on her, saw her as his mum, then me in second place
Naughtiest trait:
Comments from the owner:
He was loving, caring, always happy and bouncy had no interest in other dogs always walked off a lead. He was always there for me when I was down. He loved his cuddles. He was just always happy himself. He touched a lot of hearts and broke a lot of hearts when he passed. I couldn't have asked for a better dog in my life. He was loved by so many and we will all remember him. He even helped my new dog through her nervous behaviour towards people and reassured her. She has come on so well because of Marley
Fat Kelsey the Staffordshire Bull Terrier%

Fat Kelsey the Staffordshire Bull Terrier

Favourite place to snooze:
In her round bed, the caravan sofa or anywhere In the sun
Favourite Toy:
In younger days she liked a ball
Favourite Treat:
All food.
Favourite Person:
Before coming to live with us Kelsey has been my grandma’s dog and I’m sure Dorothy Murton remained her favourite person ever.
Naughtiest trait:
Ignoring us when told to stop barking.
Ronnie the Domestic Shorthair%

Ronnie the Domestic Shorthair

Favourite place to snooze:
anywhere we were
Favourite Toy:
Catnip sushi
Favourite Treat:
anything he wasn’t allowed
Favourite Person:
Kayley ♥️
Comments from the owner:
He was the sweetest, most loving old man. We only had him for 229 days after he was abandoned, but they were 229 days of absolute joy for both ourselves and him.
Bellamy the Domestic short haired cat%

Bellamy the Domestic short haired cat

Favourite place to snooze:
On owner or curled up in his squishy bed
Favourite Toy:
Ping pong ball
Favourite Treat:
Favourite Person:
Naughtiest trait:
Poos behind or in neighbours hedges
Comments from the owner:
Liked to be escorted to do his business, slept facing doors to protect and liked to escort you out of an evening and wait till came home under a car or behind a fence at top of the road to escort you home.
Jasmine the Rottweiler%

Jasmine the Rottweiler

Favourite place to snooze:
Flat on her back absolutely anywhere
Favourite Toy:
Teddies were the only toys she would hold gently in her mouth. She would destroy everything else.
Favourite Treat:
Favourite Person:
Naughtiest trait:
Always knocking the other dogs food bowl over
Comments from the owner:
Jasmine was such a loveable girl, she loved nothing than being cuddling and stroked all day. She loved the beach and never left my side. I miss her terribly
Olive the Tabby Cat%

Olive the Tabby Cat

Favourite place to snooze:
Anywhere the sunshine is!
Favourite Toy:
Favourite Treat:
Favourite Person:
Gabbi & Nathan
Naughtiest trait:
Catching birds
Comments from the owner:
Just loved a fuss!

Cat the Ginger cat

Favourite place to snooze:
On a lap
Favourite Toy:
Favourite Treat:
Whiskers cat treats
Favourite Person:
Naughtiest trait:
None he was perfect
Comments from the owner:
He was so special he loved people and would seek out any lap and just sit and lick your hand
Sky the Domestic Shorthair%

Sky the Domestic Shorthair

Favourite place to snooze:
Olive Tree Pot in Summer
Favourite Toy:
Laser Pen
Favourite Treat:
Licky Licks
Favourite Person:
Sophia (our eldest daughter)
Naughtiest trait:
Eating her sister's food!
Comments from the owner:
Sky (Smoosh, Smoosh puss, Skypuss) was with us for 16 happy years, and was sadly diagnosed with mouth cancer in November 2023. She sadly left us 4 months later in March 2024. Sky grew from the anxious, 7 month old, rescue kitten, (who sold both herself and her sister, Tiggs to us, when we visited them, one Sunday afternoon with our eldest daughter in 2008), to the most loving, often bolshy, cat she grew into, with the loudest of purrs, and the curliest of tails. Sky gave us years of joy, laughter and above all unconditional love. She loved to sun herself in our olive tree pot, and often slept in between our pillows so she could sleep without being disturbed. Her sister, Tiggs, is still with us, but sad without her sister. We all miss you loads x
Willow the Labrador retriever%

Willow the Labrador retriever

Favourite place to snooze:
On the couch but she was stopped being allowed when she chewed it , following this on the carpet in the living room around her family or her bed in the living room
Favourite Toy:
Anything she could chew apart
Favourite Treat:
Dentastix ham or chicken
Favourite Person:
Naughtiest trait:
Chewing hats , socks, underwear , towels, sheets
Comments from the owner:
Willow was loved by everyone , she was so happy especially with a ball nothing else existed when the ball and thrower was out . Willow loved being outside in the garden , park or anywhere she was taken and Willow was taken everywhere with us as a family and me as an owner. Willow had the waggiiest tail and she would walk all day if you let her and this was despite of chronic arthritis . Willow was loving and loyal, she really was the most amazing dog and best friend and I feel honoured to have Willow in my life , she is truly missed and forever in our hearts , until we meet again at the end of the rainbow bridge xx
Foxy the Cross-breed%

Foxy the Cross-breed

Kiba the Patterdale Terrier x Jack Russel%

Kiba the Patterdale Terrier x Jack Russel

Favourite place to snooze:
On the sofa
Favourite Toy:
In her younger days any tennis ball, in her twilight years a cuddly toy of an african painted dog.
Favourite Treat:
Dried Chicken Fillet
Favourite Person:
Naughtiest trait:
Used to push balls, toys and sticks into the back of your leg to get you to chase her
Comments from the owner:
She was like a cat in a dogs body. Independant and chilled out on her own. She was anti social like me, and preferred human company to dogs - even though she tolerated family dogs. She wasn't very affectionate unless she wanted it, and she seemed to love the men of the family over women. She definetly had an old soul and seemed like she had been here many times before.
Poppy the British short haired%

Poppy the British short haired

Favourite place to snooze:
On top of my recliner chair
Favourite Treat:
Naughtiest trait:
Bringing presents home for me (sometimes still alive)
Peggy the Shih tzu%

Peggy the Shih tzu

Favourite place to snooze:
Anywhere in the sun
Favourite Toy:
Anything Ivy was playing with at that time
Favourite Treat:
Mam's bolognaise sauce
Favourite Person:
Both mam's
Naughtiest trait:
Crying all the way to nanas house
Comments from the owner:
Most gorgeous, beautiful pooch. Always wanting her family around her.
Willow the French bulldog%

Willow the French bulldog

Favourite place to snooze:
In bed under the sheets
Favourite Toy:
Always ran for a toy to greet us with
Favourite Treat:
Favourite Person:
Her mam and dad
Naughtiest trait:
Never naughty
Comments from the owner:
High fives. Willow always gave us a “high five” on demand
Hapou the Pomeranian%

Hapou the Pomeranian

Favourite place to snooze:
Favourite Toy:
Favourite Treat:
Chicken breast
Stella the Staffordshire bull terrier%

Stella the Staffordshire bull terrier

Favourite place to snooze:
On the couch
Favourite Toy:
Favourite Treat:
All treats
Favourite Person:
Me Adrian Austin
Naughtiest trait:
Teasing my other dog
Kobe the Part Pedigree Grey Tabby%

Kobe the Part Pedigree Grey Tabby

Favourite place to snooze:
Anywhere he shouldn't really. He was a particular fan of sleeping on the desk next to me as I worked or inside washing baskets or boxes
Favourite Toy:
He loved boxes & bows you'd stick on Christmas presents. Never really had a 'toy' to be honest
Favourite Treat:
A mouse or pigeon!
Favourite Person:
Me - Laura (Mum)
Naughtiest trait:
He once brought a fully sized pigeon into the house! We had to take it over to the vet in a cornflake box to get it put to sleep!
Comments from the owner:
Kobe loved to sit in the window & look out, watching the world go by. He was a grumpy old man really. He knew he was handsome and he played on it! He refused to use the cat flap to go out, he'd cry by the door to go out and would only use it to come back in. He liked to spend time in our neighbours garden. It had lots of grass and he could find good hiding spots there.
Nutmeg the Shorthaired domestic cat%

Nutmeg the Shorthaired domestic cat

Favourite place to snooze:
In either of her two fluffy beds
Favourite Toy:
A bit too old for toys!
Favourite Treat:
Favourite Person:
Our younger son
Naughtiest trait:
Trying to sleep on our bed
Comments from the owner:
Nutmeg came into our family 16 and a half years ago with her brother Gregory. They were rescue kittens, Nutmeg lived in Richmond for most of her life until we moved to Dorset just over a year ago. When she was young she used to bring us live frogs and mice as presents .She has her own personality, she purred all the time and always liked to sit nearby. She was a real sweet heart and is greatly missed.
Tig the Siamesex%

Tig the Siamesex

Favourite place to snooze:
Under mommy's desk in the music room, so he can be heard snoring directly below in the kitchen
Favourite Toy:
Slipper pom poms or hands to nibble
Favourite Treat:
Pizza, natural yogurt, chicken, dog food. Anything that wasn't for him.
Favourite Person:
William our son says "The whole family" we can't agree on this one!
Naughtiest trait:
Attacking mommy, claw massage in the head or attacking feet... or holding the dog hostage on the stairs or in room
Comments from the owner:
Amazing snorer, Super fluffy like velvet, Snuggle monster but only on his terms, Cuddles in a crisis, Total Diabetes fighter!! Very very loved and loving.
Truffle the Olde English Bulldogge%

Truffle the Olde English Bulldogge

Favourite place to snooze:
Favourite Toy:
Favourite Treat:
Sprats and cheese
Favourite Person:
Naughtiest trait:
Chewing the kids toys
Comments from the owner:
Truffle loved everyone and everything, she had a beautiful personality, she had her faults with her neurological problems but you could always look past it because she was so loving and obsessed with playing with our kids.
Milo the Domestic shorthair%

Milo the Domestic shorthair

Favourite place to snooze:
Favourite Toy:
Laser pens
Favourite Treat:
Favourite Person:
Naughtiest trait:
Climbing on the worktops
Kobi the Domestic cat%

Kobi the Domestic cat

Favourite place to snooze:
In the cupboard drawer!
Favourite Toy:
Anything with cat nip
Favourite Treat:
Favourite Person:
Human dad
Naughtiest trait:
Arguing back when told off
Comments from the owner:
Kobi was scared of most things ..especially the grand baby! He suffered bad with anxiety. But he did love his human daddy he woukd cry at the bathroom door for him and snuggle up to him the evenings.
George the Beagle%

George the Beagle

Favourite place to snooze:
Sitting room
Favourite Toy:
He preferred food over any toy!
Favourite Treat:
Favourite Person:
Naughtiest trait:
Comments from the owner:
Was the most loving beagle, he had such a cheeky personality and was always on the look out for food. He loved his walks and everyone knew him. He was most content in the evenings when we were all together as family. We will miss him always and every day there are constant happy reminders of him in our home.
Bruno the Staffordshire bull terrier%

Bruno the Staffordshire bull terrier

Favourite place to snooze:
On my bed
Favourite Toy:
Ellie his elephant bear
Favourite Treat:
Pigs ear
Favourite Person:
Every one
Naughtiest trait:
Chasing cats
Comments from the owner:
Bruno love to sunbathe and woodland walks, he loved cuddles and having his tummy rubbed. Bone cancer took him to soon, We miss him so much RIP Bruno
Phoebe the Jack Russell%

Phoebe the Jack Russell

Favourite place to snooze:
Sofa between mum & dad
Favourite Toy:
Anything that squeeked
Favourite Treat:
Comments from the owner:
Good guard dog. Nobody got near the house
Mack the Westie%

Mack the Westie

Favourite place to snooze:
Window sill, to keep an eye on proceedings!
Favourite Toy:
Bobble ball.
Favourite Treat:
Favourite Person:
Loved everyone
Naughtiest trait:
Never naughty
Comments from the owner:
Mack was a free range Westie, always by our side - or under our feet! He was a character with westietude in abundance. Always friendly and loved visitors.
Rafa the Belgium  Shepard%

Rafa the Belgium Shepard

Favourite place to snooze:
On mums lap
Favourite Toy:
Red tire
Favourite Treat:
Favourite Person:
Mum - Nekita
Naughtiest trait:
Loved to dig in the sand on the beach for hours
Comments from the owner:
Raffa was the most loving dog I have ever known he was and will always be my best friend. He was super silly affectionate and at times a pain in my bum, but I wouldn’t change a single thing
Lily the Border collie%

Lily the Border collie

Favourite place to snooze:
Comfy bed
Favourite Toy:
Tennis ball
Favourite Treat:
Favourite Person:
Naughtiest trait:
Barking at phone
Comments from the owner:
Faithful and obedient, now with her best friend Sally.
Tia/Tbag the Yorkshire terrier%

Tia/Tbag the Yorkshire terrier

Favourite place to snooze:
My bed
Favourite Toy:
Favourite Treat:
Salmon and prawns
Favourite Person:
Her grandma
Naughtiest trait:
Knowing she can get everything out me
Comments from the owner:
She loved me and anything less just wouldn’t do.
Ruby the Tibetan Terrier%

Ruby the Tibetan Terrier

Favourite place to snooze:
Mum & dads bed
Favourite Toy:
Big human brothers rugby ball
Favourite Treat:
Favourite Person:
Mum & dad
Naughtiest trait:
Wanting to eat sheep poo!
Comments from the owner:
Ruby was the weakest of her litter & needed extra support to make it but her breeder did an amazing job & she was eventually gifted to us by our daughter...making her way from the South up to the North. Ruby melted everyone's hearts & she was the most gentle of souls who loved her pack of humans & her small circle of doggy friends. Typical TT she hated to be alone & she rarely was. She had a blanket that was as old as her that she sucked on to go to sleep and it got dragged everywhere. Ruby was prone to allergies but once off chicken the Apoquel was ditched and the itching went. Ruby loved a tummy tickle and being snuggled but hated having her teeth brushed. She loved car journeys and her pram as long walks became difficult. Ruby was a little girl with a huge personality- a comic, a princess, a snuggler, a healer but most of all our bestie. We miss her so much ❤️
Daisy Belle the BLACK Lab cross%

Daisy Belle the BLACK Lab cross

Favourite place to snooze:
Tom's bed or Mums feet
Favourite Toy:
Hands down a tennis ball or three
Favourite Treat:
Cheese and pate
Favourite Person:
The boys. Always her boys.
Naughtiest trait:
Jumping the fence to get to the boys
Comments from the owner:
Kindest, most affectionate dog. A very quick learner, she would watch and copy. She loved going on shoots and to the farm with Tom and lived swimming.
Alfie the Turkish Angora%

Alfie the Turkish Angora

Favourite place to snooze:
On a sunny windowsill
Favourite Toy:
Chasing shadows and a toy bird
Favourite Treat:
Cheesy pasta (not allowed!)
Favourite Person:
Mum and Dad
Naughtiest trait:
Scratching the bedroom door at 5am for breakfast
Comments from the owner:
Alfie's meow was a "wow!", he purred like a tractor engine, and he had the curliest tummy!
Rocco the Lhasa Apso%

Rocco the Lhasa Apso

Favourite place to snooze:
On the sofa or our bed
Favourite Toy:
Bunny, Bonny and Slothy
Favourite Treat:
Ham and carrot
Favourite Person:
Mummy & Daddy
Naughtiest trait:
Pinching knickers, socks and tissues
Comments from the owner:
Rocco was the sweetest and funniest little fella, who we first met at 3 weeks old and we were blessed to have had 16 precious years with him. He had lots of nicknames; Rocks, Rockstar, Roccofella. He loved Saturday and Sunday morning lay-ins and cuddles on our bed, chasing squirrels (when he was younger!) and doing tricks for treats. He adored his two human sisters who loved him dearly, as did everyone who ever met him. He was such a chilled, loving, clever and well-behaved little boy who we all miss terribly. Fly-high little Rocco - you were the best xxx
Mabel Anderson the Staff cross rottie%

Mabel Anderson the Staff cross rottie

Favourite place to snooze:
Leather sofa or my double king bed
Favourite Toy:
Brown rugby ball
Favourite Treat:
Strawberry cornetto or cocktail sausages peanut butter
Favourite Person:
Dezzy ...her owner..and many many dog walkers Darley Abbey Park
Naughtiest trait:
Left my bowl of ice cream on sofa distracted for 2 mins Mabel had eaten the lot.....O.M.G....
Comments from the owner:
Jumbone...Bakers Sizzles....Bakers chew sticks....Pigs in blankets...mmmmmmmm

Rhys the Labrador

Favourite place to snooze:
Inside kennel or house
Favourite Toy:
Toy pheasant
Favourite Treat:
Sheperds pie
Favourite Person:
Me and my wife
Naughtiest trait:
Comments from the owner:
He was a gundog he didn't have anything till this. He worked 5 days a week on the shoot and loved every minute of it. He was loved very much ... thank you
Reggie the Staff cross lab%

Reggie the Staff cross lab

Favourite place to snooze:
Next too his mammy
Favourite Toy:
He loved a ball ,any ball, he would destroy them in minutes
Favourite Treat:
He loved tuna fish surprising for a dog, but he loved it and a Sunday roast was his favourite
Favourite Person:
His mum (me ) he was my shadow
Naughtiest trait:
He still thought he was a tiny puppy jumping on our lap for cuddles
Comments from the owner:
Reggie was wicked in every sense of the word, we loved him dearly . We had the two brothers together and at just age 2 Reggie lost his brother Ronnie to cancer. He was never the same dog after that it ruined him … his anxiety was terrible … all he ever wanted was his brother back. We loved him endlessly… we miss him so much. I hope he’s helping Vets for the future and running free, finally reunited with his brother. Brothers together forever x
Sclubby the Staffie%

Sclubby the Staffie

Favourite place to snooze:
On her dad's side of the sofa
Favourite Toy:
A stick
Favourite Treat:
Favourite Person:
Naughtiest trait:
Silent farts
Comments from the owner:
She was named after S club 7. Her human sister Georgie's favourite group, at the time of us getting her. We got her at 9 weeks old. She was excited to see everyone, wagging her tail and lying on her back for belly rubs
Jack the Jack Russell%

Jack the Jack Russell

Favourite place to snooze:
Jack used to love snuggling up between mum and dad on the sofa under the throw!!
Favourite Toy:
His favourite toy was a yellow spiked squishy ball, he likes to play fetch but also just chew it!
Favourite Treat:
Jack loved roast beef knuckle bones, usually bigger than his little head.
Favourite Person:
His human brother Elijah, both youngsters, they had an amazing bond and used to run round and round driving everyone mental on a daily basis.
Naughtiest trait:
Jack had a tendency to chew the living room wall paper if left unattended,
Comments from the owner:
Jack was the most loving, caring Jack Russell we had ever come across. He was kind to other dogs, cats and animals. The most handsome boy you ever did meet and will be forever missed. Gone way too soon and will never be forgotten! It’s reassuring for us to know that his memory will live on to help other dogs in the future.
Zac the German Shepherd%

Zac the German Shepherd

Favourite place to snooze:
Sofa surfer
Favourite Toy:
Mr. Crocodile. Miss. Piggy. Anything that was squeaky.
Favourite Treat:
Favourite Person:
Naughtiest trait:
Bossing the Cats
Comments from the owner:
Zac was an absolute beast of a dog.. people would cross the street as we walked by. But he was the biggest Teddy bear that walked the planet. He was a stud dog for the first 4 years of his life. At age 2, his owner got COVID, lost a lung and had to re home Zac due to ill health. My son and I went to view him, and the rest is history. It took him a while to settle, but once he did, he became the biggest luv bug and adored the grandchildren and all the friends of my older sons. My autistic son grew confidence around him and they were often seen walking the fields of Wycoler and Noyna rocks in Foulridge Lancashire. He was an amazing energy.. calm, loving and full of fun. We will miss this big Floof for the rest of our days. May he go on to inspire people and help them learn about the love of life itself.
Kia the Staffordshire Bull Terrier%

Kia the Staffordshire Bull Terrier

Favourite place to snooze:
On the Couch cuddled up to me
Favourite Toy:
Colin the sloth
Favourite Treat:
Bacon bits
Favourite Person:
Nathan ( my eldest son )
Naughtiest trait:
She wouldn't let people leave if they came to visit
Comments from the owner:
She loved doing Zoomies when she was younger , She was my " ears " as I am profoundly deaf and would wake me by pacing up and down my bed . She loved a cuddle, which I miss greatly .
Maysie the Staffie x Boxer%

Maysie the Staffie x Boxer

Favourite place to snooze:
Favourite Toy:
Tennis Ball
Favourite Treat:
Favourite Person:
My middle son
Naughtiest trait:
Staring at me when I am eating
Comments from the owner:
She loves her food and going to the beach.

Bean the Rat

Favourite place to snooze:
In his basket buried under blankets
Favourite Treat:
Anything that was food
Favourite Person:
His Dad
Naughtiest trait:
He enjoyed chewing through jeans
Comments from the owner:
The root of his top teeth pushed up against his nasal passage causing him to develop polyps and have nose bleeds. When they burst (which he proceeded to sneeze all over our white walls).
Whiskey (aka Whiskers) the Terrier cross%

Whiskey (aka Whiskers) the Terrier cross

Favourite place to snooze:
In her basket downstairs and on our bed
Favourite Toy:
She had no favourite toy
Favourite Treat:
Cooked meat and a cup of tea
Favourite Person:
She loved everyone in the family
Naughtiest trait:
Barking for no reason at all, digging in the garden, and chasing hedgehogs (who she despised)
Comments from the owner:
She was very caring and protective of the family, and being a terrier she was extremely nosey
Lily the Beagle%

Lily the Beagle

Favourite place to snooze:
Curled up in her bed with lots of blankets
Favourite Toy:
Anything that squeeked
Favourite Treat:
Cheese or ham
Favourite Person:
Naughtiest trait:
Stealing and chewing things
Comments from the owner:
Lily loved leaning and we did some training on flyball and scent work. Lily had a litter of 6 beautiful puppies
Lumos the Dwarf rabbit (harlequin mix maybe?)%

Lumos the Dwarf rabbit (harlequin mix maybe?)

Favourite place to snooze:
Lumos loved to nap on the floor, as close to people as he could
Favourite Toy:
A ball with a bell inside, so he could get attention
Favourite Treat:
Bananes, blueberries and timothy hoops
Favourite Person:
My dad! Lumos would always follow him !
Naughtiest trait:
Jealous! He had to be the centre of attention at all time! Loved stealing socks and going where he was not allowed to go.
Comments from the owner:
Lumos first tumor symptoms started in 10/22, despite his condition he was a happy sassy little guy who loved exploring, meeting new people, playing in the stairs and getting kisses on the forehead. He died at 9 and remained active and sassy until the end. Lumos has been much loved by many and is greatly missed. We are glad his body will help other bunnies!
Laylah the Jack russell%

Laylah the Jack russell

Favourite place to snooze:
On the bed
Favourite Toy:
Chewy bones
Favourite Treat:
Favourite Person:
All of us
Naughtiest trait:
Ronnie the Alapaha blue blood bull dog%

Ronnie the Alapaha blue blood bull dog

Favourite place to snooze:
Cuddling up with my daughter
Favourite Toy:
Tennis ball
Favourite Treat:
Favourite Person:
My 4 year old daughter Ivy
Naughtiest trait:
Comments from the owner:
Ronnie was a special dog with one beautiful personality
Rocky the Domestic shorthair%

Rocky the Domestic shorthair

Favourite place to snooze:
Mummy's bed
Favourite Treat:
Favourite Person:
Naughtiest trait:
Opening doors in the middle of the night
Comments from the owner:
Rocky came to us as a very small kitten and for 14 years he was adored by everyone who met him. Even in his later years he loved to play and every night he slept on his mums bed. He loved to give noggin but only to those he loved. He would climb up your chest to give you kisses. We are going to miss our little man more then I can put into words but our love for him will never fade.
Jasper the Jack Russell%

Jasper the Jack Russell

Favourite place to snooze:
On his bed in the frontroom
Favourite Toy:
His plastic bone
Favourite Treat:
Dental sticks
Favourite Person:
He loved all of us
Comments from the owner:
Having Jasper from 7 weeks old, he has been the most lovable pet we all miss him so much.
Millie the Domestic tabby%

Millie the Domestic tabby

Favourite place to snooze:
On/near her human mum, in front of the fire or in the sun
Favourite Toy:
She wasn't really one for toys
Favourite Treat:
Chicken - she could hear the fridge open from a mile away
Favourite Person:
Her human mum
Naughtiest trait:
She was feisty, even at 19 years old
Comments from the owner:
She was a gorgeous girl who was with us just for just short of 20 years. We all had a special relationship with her - her snuggles were the best and nothing will ever replace her.
Baloo the Staffordshire Bull Terrier%

Baloo the Staffordshire Bull Terrier

Favourite place to snooze:
On our bed
Favourite Toy:
His ball
Favourite Treat:
Favourite Person:
He loved us all but his favourite was our other dog Bella
Naughtiest trait:
He didn't have any
Comments from the owner:
Baloo really was a gentle giant, he was adored by everyone that met him. He was a great companion to us all for 8 wonderful years and he is missed very much, especially by our other dog Bella. We strived for 18 months to get on top of Baloo's medical issues but in the end sadly we had to admit defeat. We always did and always will love you our Bubaloo xx
Jasper Davies the Mini lop rabbit%

Jasper Davies the Mini lop rabbit

Favourite place to snooze:
Right next to my 8 year old son, Kai. Anywhere Kai was, Jasper was, he would flop next to him and cuddle down.
Favourite Toy:
Favourite thing was his soft tunnel.
Favourite Treat:
He loved mint and watermelon above anything else.
Favourite Person:
His favourite family member was my youngest son kai. They were inseperable.
Molly the Labradoodle%

Molly the Labradoodle

Favourite place to snooze:
On the sofa
Favourite Toy:
Favourite Treat:
Favourite Person:
Son in law
Naughtiest trait:
Nothing just perfect to us
Comments from the owner:
She “worked” as a Pets as Therapy dog and had the most beguiling eyes. She would look deep into your eyes and command attention. Hated cuddles she loved being sat nearby though or with her head on my feet. A wild outrageous younger dog full of energy and a love of life.
Toto the Terrier%

Toto the Terrier

Favourite place to snooze:
Sofa but did like to go to 'bed' at night
Favourite Toy:
Toto came to us late in life and no-one had ever played with him.
Favourite Treat:
Loved going out for his daily walks with his doggy friend Poppy
Favourite Person:
His mummy
Naughtiest trait:
Chasing and barking at squirrels and pigeons that dared to come into his garden
Comments from the owner:
Toto came to us in 2020 from the RSPCA for his forever home aged 11. He came for a home visit, sat on the sofa and never left. He was a real character and will be really missed.
Holly the Dalmatian%

Holly the Dalmatian

Favourite place to snooze:
Favourite Toy:
Her soft octopus
Favourite Treat:
Favourite Person:
She just loved everyone and anyone
Naughtiest trait:
Ate cat poop!
Comments from the owner:
She had donated blood, taught vets and nurses new skills, Pet Blood Banks North West events mascot, attended high school career fairs. She was just a big soft clumsy goofball ❤️
Nigel the Golden Retriever%

Nigel the Golden Retriever

Favourite place to snooze:
Anywhere facing the sun
Favourite Toy:
Chew bone
Favourite Treat:
Carrots/ pears
Favourite Person:
Naughtiest trait:
Supping on your wrist.
Comments from the owner:
The most cuddly dog we have ever had, just adored being with his people. Just exuded love to everyone he met. Naughty stealing food, socks anything he fancied especially food from the grill when it was being cooked. Not missing the Nigel glitter that he shed and shook everywhere. But so miss the fun and cuddles. A true character of a dog.
Mindy the Mixed%

Mindy the Mixed

Favourite place to snooze:
Anywhere in the sun - the hotter the better!
Favourite Toy:
Didn’t really like playing with toys, loved sitting in the plant pot in the front garden or her little outside house
Favourite Person:
Myself (mum)
Naughtiest trait:
Loves sneaking upstairs sleeping on everyone’s beds
Comments from the owner:
Very gentle in nature, brought up in a family of young children so would put up with a lot! She would love to sit curled up right to your neck and get as close as she can! She had been a great comfort for the 14 years she was with me, thank you Mindy, rest easy xxx
Spice the Tortoiseshell cat%

Spice the Tortoiseshell cat

Favourite place to snooze:
On the back of the arm chair in the sun and where she had a good view of the birds, Also on my lap.
Favourite Toy:
Laser pointer
Favourite Treat:
Favourite Person:
Naughtiest trait:
She Loved to pinch my seat when I got up off the sofa.
Comments from the owner:
She liked to lounge on the arm chair with her foreleg over the arm. She was a most loving cat. Especially kept me company after my operations.
Ollie the Chinese crested powder puff%

Ollie the Chinese crested powder puff

Favourite place to snooze:
On his bed
Favourite Toy:
Otto dog cuddly toy
Favourite Treat:
My home made carrot, oat and banana biscuits
Favourite Person:
Mummy and Aunty Nikki
Naughtiest trait:
Stubbornness when he didn’t want to do something
Comments from the owner:
A quiet thoughtful loving personality loved by all he met. His ears were always a talking point. My special boy ‘ OLLIE POPS ‘ was an adopted dog from RSPSA aged 4 yrs. The day I met him he was a lost soul, very anxious and almost hairless due to matted fur with sores all over his body. He looked so sad and did not look at me. He stole my heart and I knew that we would both be okay . He did take almost a year to build a trust and the first time he looked me in the eyes we hugged and I promised I would look after him. The bonding could commence. He proved to be an intelligent, caring, sensitive dog who was a routine man who gave love on his terms. He loved a cosy comfortable bed and to have my presence near. Yes he was a bit needy but having had many health problems over the years he was quite independent and uncomplaining. He just enjoyed his life and all adventures to the full. He was a lovable character and liked by all he met both people and dogs. We were both very fortunate to have found each other on 25/07/2011 and lucky to have had 12 wonderful years together. Ollie was 16yrs old at the time of his death, he will always be in my heart with all the wonderful memories he left for me. I hope that the gift of Ollie will help you all to learn the skills required in your chosen career as vets who will care for future animals. I’m confident my Ollie would have approved. Take care of my Ollie.
Bailey the Cocker Spaniel (Show)%

Bailey the Cocker Spaniel (Show)

Favourite place to snooze:
Favourite Treat:
Favourite Person:
Anyone with food!
Naughtiest trait:
Loves hedgehogs and hates the postman!
Comments from the owner:
A much loved member of the family with the waggiest tail!
Lucas the Moggie%

Lucas the Moggie

Favourite place to snooze:
On top of the pile of blankets on the sofa, near the window so he could peep out at the birds flying past
Favourite Toy:
The apple charger cord
Favourite Treat:
Favourite Person:
For many years, it was his dad, Ed. They were close since Lucas was a kitten. In more recent times, definitely his mum.
Naughtiest trait:
Stealing cat food
Comments from the owner:
Lucas was love personified. He was sweet and calm and had the ability to soothe those who had the pleasure of his company. He felt like a weighted blanket on your lap, full of purrs, warmth and affection. Time with Lucas was a reminder of what is important in life - to be present, accepting, kind and to care for others. He was loved by many - his mum, Maria and other mummy, Caroline, his granny, Mary and Dad, Ed and his special aunties - Erika, April, Linda and Mags. His love will live on in all of our hearts and we miss him truly.
Chui (Mookite of Heysesicovey) the Alaskan Malamute%

Chui (Mookite of Heysesicovey) the Alaskan Malamute

Favourite place to snooze:
Favourite Toy:
His sister, Tanza
Favourite Treat:
Favourite Person:
Naughtiest trait:
Pictured in Swindon advertiser stealing the carrot from the snowman's face in St Marks Park SN2
Comments from the owner:
Chatting to everyone in the park
Maddie the DSH%

Maddie the DSH

Favourite place to snooze:
On sofa while we were sat on floor
Favourite Toy:
Favourite Treat:
Favourite Person:
Her daddy
Naughtiest trait:
Biting anyone who dared touch her
Bruno the Mastiff%

Bruno the Mastiff

Favourite place to snooze:
Mums bed
Favourite Toy:
Buggy rope toys and anything rubber
Favourite Treat:
I loved tuna and dentle sticks
Favourite Person:
Naughtiest trait:
Opening the front door himself
Comments from the owner:
Just that Bruno had his own funny dopey personality and we miss him so much R.I.P our GuGu - (Bruno)
Skye the Staffordshire bull terrier%

Skye the Staffordshire bull terrier

Favourite place to snooze:
On the couch or anywhere I was as long as she was by my side
Favourite Toy:
Skye loved any sort of soft cuddly Teddy
Favourite Treat:
Skye loved her Sunday dinner scraps then would love to come do a head rub on the rug after a meal she really enjoyed.
Favourite Person:
Me, my mum and the kids especially my youngest son Ralphie
Naughtiest trait:
Crying for food before you had finished it.
Comments from the owner:
Skye was such a cheeky character, she wasn't so much as naughty but definitely cheeky she laid in between my legs once having a cuddle on the couch with me (mummy) and because I wouldn't share my chocolates she decided to flip the whole box on the floor. I couldn't do anything but laugh. Everyone that met skye would fall in love with her, she truly was the best, she was here before I had both of my boys and never did she do anything wrong like being jealous or anything. She adapted and just had more love to share between us all. She loved the sun and loved to sunbathe. She was simply the best..
Jackie Fang the Blue Burmese cross%

Jackie Fang the Blue Burmese cross

Favourite place to snooze:
My lap, preferably upside down legs in the air!
Favourite Toy:
A broken cat fishing line toy, devoid of all feathers. He just liked the stick!!
Favourite Treat:
Dairylea cheese triangle
Favourite Person:
Me! I was his only human
Naughtiest trait:
Climbing up high on everything, not coming in from the yard when it started raining, sleeping on mum’s research whilst she was trying to study for a PhD. Need I go on??
Comments from the owner:
Jackie Fang was like no other cat and I’ve had many over the years. He was adopted from cats protection in 2021 aged 9 after his elderly owner died and he changed my life in so many ways. He got me through the best and worst times of life & made me laugh every single day. From his obsession with lying upside down with his ‘rabbit paws’ sticking in the air, to racing down the stairs & greeting me from work every night, getting under the duvet with me at bedtime, knocking everything over that wasn’t fixed down and having the best cat fangs I’ve ever seen; he was more than one in a million. He was a true saviour & warrior. He fought the bravest battle against lymphangiosarcoma for 6 months but I do hope his death won’t be in vain and that he can help future vets to understand a little bit more about this rare cancer. Jackie, you’ll never be forgotten. All my love always my beautiful boy. Mummy xx
Blue the Lakeland cross terrier%

Blue the Lakeland cross terrier

Favourite place to snooze:
Next to me on the sofa or on the bed
Favourite Toy:
Tennis ball
Favourite Treat:
Bakers bacon & cheese frazzles
Favourite Person:
Blue loved people he was the kindest dog I have ever owned
Cody the Labradoodle%

Cody the Labradoodle

Favourite place to snooze:
Couch in the lounge (whereever someone had last sat!)
Favourite Toy:
Hated toys
Favourite Treat:
Pedigreechum Bones
Favourite Person:
Naughtiest trait:
Couldn't let him off the lead unless it was an enclosed field, liked to meet new people/dogs. Aaron would sneak him into his bedroom and cuddle on the bed with him, even though he wasn't supposed to come upstairs!
Comments from the owner:
Cody loved to bark at horses, tractors and buses, especially when he was in the car. Cody was a therapy dog for my eldest son, he was very laid back and just the bestest friend of Aaron xx
Milo the Beagle%

Milo the Beagle

Favourite place to snooze:
Sofa or cuddled up to mammy and daddy
Favourite Toy:
Green bone
Favourite Treat:
Dental sticks
Favourite Person:
My brother Dylan
Bo the Labrador%

Bo the Labrador

Favourite place to snooze:
On her bed
Favourite Toy:
a ball, always a ball!
Favourite Treat:
Cheese, but would eat literally anything
Favourite Person:
Anyone that would give her food
Naughtiest trait:
could open the fridge with her nose
Comments from the owner:
Was the cheekiest dog to exist but was also the most loving, even towards the end of her life when she could barely walk, she’d always get up to greet you at the door. she was the best dog and bought so much comfort to our family for over 14 years.
Bertie the Beagle cross Bassett%

Bertie the Beagle cross Bassett

Favourite place to snooze:
On my bed
Favourite Toy:
Dirty socks
Favourite Treat:
Favourite Person:
Naughtiest trait:
Comments from the owner:
Was super cuddly, loved sitting on my lap
Maize the Cross breed%

Maize the Cross breed

Favourite place to snooze:
My bed
Favourite Toy:
Favourite Treat:
Favourite Person:
Naughtiest trait:
Hiding bones
Watson the Rottweiler%

Watson the Rottweiler

Favourite place to snooze:
Masters mancave
Favourite Toy:
Teddy bear
Favourite Person:
Naughtiest trait:
Biting feet
Murphy the Lurcher/Greyhound%

Murphy the Lurcher/Greyhound

Favourite place to snooze:
Foot puff/settee/on a comfy pair of feet
Favourite Toy:
His dog teddy
Favourite Treat:
Cheese. Chicken. More cheese
Favourite Person:
Our 8 year old daughter
Naughtiest trait:
Licking the sofa (it was never clean enough for him)
Comments from the owner:
He loved everyone he met! Gave the best cuddles, and his ears were his little mood antenna. They pointed in every direction (but flat to his head if he thought he was getting a bit of cheddar)
Casper the German shepherd%

Casper the German shepherd

Favourite place to snooze:
Anywhere really
Favourite Toy:
Tennis ball and giggle ball and rope
Favourite Person:
All of them really
Naughtiest trait:
Barking at planes and cats
Comments from the owner:
He was the best dog
Loki the Domestic cat%

Loki the Domestic cat

Favourite place to snooze:
Next to his human 'Dad' on the sofa
Favourite Toy:
The 'rat' - a mangled up toy, once a hedgehog we think, which he deposited in many places around the house as a gift, with a big song and dance
Favourite Treat:
Favourite Person:
His human Dad and best cat friend Nari
Naughtiest trait:
Talking very loudly at inappropriate times
Comments from the owner:
Loki was the centre of our house - by far the most talkative of our cats and loved by us all. He was incredibly bonded with his human Dad after he rescued him from the canal as a tiny kitten. His best cat friend was Nari, another rescue who we named because it meant 'son of Loki' in Norse mythology. This couldn't have been more true of their relationship and Nari is now lost without him. He was the best boy who gave the best snuggles (on his terms) and we miss him enormously.
Zola the British short hair%

Zola the British short hair

Favourite place to snooze:
Zola loved to snooze on the top tier of her cat tree
Favourite Toy:
She loved ribbons and a small fluffy blue mouse
Favourite Treat:
Cheese! Zola loved cheese
Favourite Person:
Zola didn’t pick a favourite she loved us all
Naughtiest trait:
She was never naughty but did love to steal your warm seat on the sofa if you got up!
Comments from the owner:
Zola was such a special girl, she was so calm and sweet, she knew her limits with her heart/breathing issues and would play calmly, if she did get the zoomys she would come to me while she struggled to regulate her breathing and for some reassurance immediately afterwards! In her short 7 months she has had such a massive effect on us, we miss her everyday! I find some comfort that she can now in her death help cats in the future. She was so special she had anyone falling in love with her at first glimpse. For such a small girl she has made a huge impact.
Mollie the Springer x Collie%

Mollie the Springer x Collie

Comments from the owner:
Mollie was our best mate, which sounds strange to say about a pet, but since losing her I’ve learned it’s okay to say that because it was true. I remember the first day we met her as a puppy, immediately throwing herself upon me to say hello, waiting for belly rubs and love. She gave us more love than we could ever return; her excitement and energy was endless, right up until her final days. She was everyone’s best friend and she changed our lives – she was a comfort through days of stress, and a bundle of joy in the happy days. She sat beside Chris through two degrees, and beside Becca through two and a half, enjoying nothing more than plonking her nose on the corner of a warm laptop – usually just as you were about to type something important. We’ll miss her cheekiness, her happiness, and her warmth so much, but that we can gift her to you is another gift of her life. Take care of her for us.
Lady the Staffie x%

Lady the Staffie x

Favourite Toy:
Doesn't have one
Favourite Treat:
Gravy bones
Teddy the Crossbreed%

Teddy the Crossbreed

Comments from the owner:
Teddy was 16yrs old, but I only had him for 3 years, and he was in kennels for 7yrs before I took him home. With Teddy I learned how to love a dog, and Teddy learned to trust and love a human mummy. His biggest passions in life were - walkies, squeaky toys, which had to be killed immediately, and, of course, food. Although he wasn't very people orientated, he did love running around with family children. Teddy has been such a good boy, so gentle and patient, quick to learn. Since he became ill, he just wanted to be near me, so it was very hard to part with him, but I am comforted by knowing that in his next journey he will be helping vets learn to help others like him.
Pie pie the Guinea Pig%

Pie pie the Guinea Pig

Favourite place to snooze:
Under his bridge
Favourite Toy:
Carrot house
Favourite Treat:
Curly kale
Favourite Person:
Naughtiest trait:
Chewing cables
Comments from the owner:
His cute little happy squeezes when he was being fed
Maggie the Domestic long hair%

Maggie the Domestic long hair

Favourite place to snooze:
On my side
Favourite Toy:
Flashing ball
Favourite Treat:
Anything I am eating
Favourite Person:
Her human mum
Naughtiest trait:
Likes to use her claws to full effect when not happy
Comments from the owner:
Affectionate little girl who came to me as a rescue. Couldn't wait for me to get into bed so she could lay on my side like a little hot water bottle.
Marley the Mixed breed%

Marley the Mixed breed

Favourite place to snooze:
On the sofa with me and his brothers
Favourite Toy:
He loves his fishy
Favourite Treat:
All treats especially a sneaky bit of burger
Favourite Person:
His mummy and daddy
Naughtiest trait:
He liked to back chat
Comments from the owner:
He was the most talkative boy anyone had met, he loved to say hello to you. I don't know, the house is very quiet without him and we miss him dearly. His brother Tom and Tiger miss him as well he was only 9 when we lost him and it was very sudden. Marley was a shy boy but on his own with me he would come out of his shell and give me special cuddles where he would sit on my lap and rest his head under my chin I hope you're flying high my beautiful boy we miss you more than words can explain. RIP my Marley xxx
Tyler the Staffordshire Bull Terrier%

Tyler the Staffordshire Bull Terrier

Favourite place to snooze:
Sofa or anywhere the humans are
Favourite Toy:
White tiger rope toys
Favourite Treat:
Anything and everything
Favourite Person:
Mum and Dad but he loved everyone
Naughtiest trait:
Biting anything that had water in it or coming out of it EG the pipe or the pool
Comments from the owner:
Tyler came to us from a rescue at the age of 16 months, it became apparent the minute he arrived that he was a big soft baby who just wanted to be loved. Tyler loved to go on caravan holidays and drag his dad to the beach so he could run at the waves and bite them. He loved all his human brothers - Joey, Thomas, and Lewis and when Tyler became a little slow we introduced Dexter the puppy who Tyler loved and played with. Tyler loved to play in the snow, not that we got much, and he loved to chase the rain falling from the sky. He will be forever remembered and loved always. The day we had to let you go broke all our hearts. We hope you're now pain free and able to run for miles like you used to as a puppy. All our love forever and a day from mum, dad, Joey, Thomas, Lewis and Dexter xxxx
Mya the German Shepherd%

Mya the German Shepherd

Favourite place to snooze:
Favourite Toy:
Skye, the border terrier
Favourite Treat:
Gravy bones
Favourite Person:
Naughtiest trait:
Comments from the owner:
Mya was a lovely girl who didn't realise she was a GSD. She was a massive part of the family and is dearly missed by mum and dad and Bopper and Skye. The pack doesn't feel complete anymore. We are happy that she can help to train future vets to provide good care for our four legged friends.
Ozzy the king Charles / Jack Russell cross%

Ozzy the king Charles / Jack Russell cross

Favourite place to snooze:
In the front window
Favourite Toy:
Small yellow rubber ball
Favourite Treat:
Favourite Person:
Naughtiest trait:
Play acting
Comments from the owner:
Undying love and loyalty. My best friend and companion.

Buddy the Springerdor

Favourite place to snooze:
In the sun
Favourite Toy:
Favourite Treat:
Favourite Person:
Freddy, his human brother
Naughtiest trait:
Stealing food if he can
Comments from the owner:
Buddy was a lovely, kind dog who when younger loved to go for a wander but was the most wonderful dog
Miley the German Shepherd%

Miley the German Shepherd

Favourite place to snooze:
Anywhere where mum and dad were
Favourite Toy:
Squeaky ball and Teddy bear
Favourite Treat:
Favourite Person:
Cant really choose..loved everybody
Naughtiest trait:
Nothing, was a good girl
Comments from the owner:
Miley was our best friend..our princess sunshine/baby girl..loved by everybody that met her..
Carrie the Labrador%

Carrie the Labrador

Favourite place to snooze:
In the garden in the sun
Favourite Toy:
Training dummies
Favourite Treat:
Literally anything 🙂
Favourite Person:
Naughtiest trait:
Absolutely nothing
Comments from the owner:
Carrie was bought for me by my parents when I moved out and it wasn't fair to take my dog from her friends. She was what we called a 'working pet', she wasn't as trained as a professional working dog, but loved going to local shoots working. She carried on until 11 years of age, when she would do the last drive and come in for a sleep. Her favourite thing was getting the dummy out for her to 'train' with the younger dogs. Her mobility in her elbow was quite poor, but she would pick up a 5 metre retrieve like you'd asked her to run 2 fields. She was and always will be incredibly loved by a family who is absolutely lost without her, but if she can help someone even after she's left us it will be one more wonderful thing she has done in her life.
Ozzy the King Charles X Jack Russell%

Ozzy the King Charles X Jack Russell

Favourite place to snooze:
Favourite Toy:
small ball
Favourite Treat:
Favourite Person:
Naughtiest trait:
Comments from the owner:
My best friend who has helped me through so much
Olli the Black and white moggy%

Olli the Black and white moggy

Favourite place to snooze:
On the dogs bed
Favourite Toy:
He preferred to climb curtains rather than toys
Favourite Treat:
Favourite Person:
Me *his mummy
Naughtiest trait:
Climbing curtains
Comments from the owner:
He had lots of cat friends and his best friend was a cockerpoo called Sammy who lived next-door but one
Sherlock the Basset hound%

Sherlock the Basset hound

Favourite place to snooze:
Anywhere his mummy was
Favourite Toy:
Favourite Treat:
Rabbits ears
Favourite Person:
He loved everybody but his mummy was his favourite
Naughtiest trait:
He was never naughty
Comments from the owner:
Sherlock was the gentlest of souls. He loved a cuddle and whenever we were out with him and our other two dogs Sherlock would always make sure nobody got left behind by waiting with anyone who stopped walking. He was such a lovely dog who was so loved by everybody that ever met him.
B the Yorkie X%

B the Yorkie X

Favourite place to snooze:
Top of the chair or under the cover in bed
Favourite Toy:
Favourite Treat:
All treats
Favourite Person:
Naughtiest trait:
Barking at dogs on tv
Chubbs the Domestic long hair%

Chubbs the Domestic long hair

Comments from the owner:
Chubbs was the most beautiful girl ever, her meow will be sadly missed. Her favourite place to sleep was my son’s bed – naughty girl. She was loved by our family and other cats. She will be sadly missed. Rest in peace young girl, you will never be forgotten.
Louie the Springer Spaniel%

Louie the Springer Spaniel

Favourite place to snooze:
Anywhere his Dad was
Favourite Toy:
Bear and Mammy squid
Favourite Treat:
Favourite Person:
Definitely Dad
Naughtiest trait:
Digging the garden
Comments from the owner:
Louie loved to meet people at the door where he'd always find a present for you. Usually a leaf or a twig for you to throw. He was the best boy who loved nothing more than a scratch behind the ear and snoozing next to his Dad on the sofa after a nice walk.
Sally the Border collie%

Sally the Border collie

Favourite place to snooze:
By the side of my bed
Favourite Toy:
Tennis ball
Favourite Treat:
Raw mince
Favourite Person:
Naughtiest trait:
Chasing squirrels
Comments from the owner:
Sweet gentle nature, loved everyone

Jess the Kelpe cross

Favourite place to snooze:
At the front door
Favourite Toy:
Any ball and water guns
Favourite Treat:
Left overs from under table that Robert, Lily or Rosie left for her
Favourite Person:
Naughtiest trait:
Getting Robert, Lily or Rosie to give her food, or drop it from high chair, or jump up for it
Comments from the owner:
She was a great dog, had a great life and helped me get though cancer as i had to walk her still, she loved any water - was crazy for it
Poppy the GSD%

Poppy the GSD

Favourite place to snooze:
Bed in kitchen
Favourite Toy:
Green ball
Favourite Treat:
Favourite Person:
Shaun my husband
Naughtiest trait:
Counter surfing
Bella the Staffordshire Bull Terrier%

Bella the Staffordshire Bull Terrier

Favourite place to snooze:
Bella was the most chill snuggle buddy for myself and my 2 older children, and for the past year my youngest son. She slept in bed with my older son, David who has autism, and she would protect him every day
Favourite Toy:
Bella absolutely loved pool days and the hosepipe
Favourite Treat:
Bacon treats
Comments from the owner:
My girl Bella was adopted from a rescue centre 14 years ago when I sadly lost my own daughter at birth, Bella got me though my worst days and has been my absolute best friend ever since day one. Bella never once barked after she was unfortunately treated badly in her first year of life. About 9 years ago she saved my nephews life. My sister had come to visit with my twin nephews, and they were asleep upstairs while we watched x factor down stairs when suddenly Bella started running up and down stairs crying, so my sister went to check and my nephew wasn't breathing after vomiting and choking on it, his lips were blue but thanks to Bella, he was absolutely fine. I have countless memories of my girl and I know most people say pets are like family but to me Bella was my child - I loved her no different and as a family we are so completely lost and broken without her. As my girl fell asleep for the final time I sang our song, you've got a friend in me (toy story). I hope Bella can help your team and be remembered by others as well as family.
Archie the American Bulldog%

Archie the American Bulldog

Favourite place to snooze:
Outside in the sun
Favourite Treat:
Prawn crackers or cheese
Naughtiest trait:
Drinking shower water out of the drain
Mitts the Domestic shorthair%

Mitts the Domestic shorthair

Favourite place to snooze:
On our lap
Favourite Toy:
Favourite Treat:
Any food he could physically get his hands on
Favourite Person:
His daddy
Naughtiest trait:
Pulling empty sachets out of the bin
Comments from the owner:
Mitts was so mischievous yet so loving, he was our first kitten.
Kai the Weimaraner%

Kai the Weimaraner

Favourite place to snooze:
Any one of my five beds, and anywhere the humans are.
Favourite Toy:
Toys? Not for me!
Favourite Treat:
Love a hairy cow's ear, dried trachea or anything humans eat. And CHEESE!
Favourite Person:
All of them, but especially Grandma, who feeds me from the table, and lets me lick her plate (don't tell mummy).
Naughtiest trait:
When I used to pretend to be deaf and chase the rabbits, birds, cats, deer, foxes... Be gone for hours on end!
Comments from the owner:
If I say so myself, I was awesome at scent work and out-ran mummy when we did agility. And LOVED to chase her on her mountain bike. And was pretty good at canicross too!
Mei the British Shorthair%

Mei the British Shorthair

Favourite place to snooze:
On my pillow, sometimes on my head.
Favourite Toy:
The 'big ol catnip sack'.
Favourite Treat:
Lick-e-lix in salmon flavour.
Favourite Person:
Naughtiest trait:
Nothing at all. I couldn't have asked for a better soulmate.
Comments from the owner:
Mei never hissed in her life. She never bit, never scratched, barely meowed. She loved everyone she met and she was a quiet, docile angel.
Denver the French bulldog%

Denver the French bulldog

Favourite place to snooze:
My bed
Favourite Toy:
Favourite Treat:
Favourite Person:
Elle and macey
Naughtiest trait:
Comments from the owner:
Denver was so loved, he was my everything, not a day goes by that I don't miss him. Denver was a rescue dog, he was a very pleasant little fella, when my grandson came along they clicked, it was like Denver was my grandsons guardian angel. Denver came at the right time for me and my family, my 2 youngest girls were finding things really hard during lockdown as they'd lost both grandparents within 3 months of each other, one of my girls couldn't cope and tried to end her own life, then Denver came into our lives and our lives turned around. My girls both fell in love instantly and so did our boy Denver, they went out on walks everyday, they went on drives, to the beach and for ever sunbathing in the summer, they even arranged a birthday party for him which he loved because it was a barbecue. Denver was the life and soul of our home and a very special boy, he was our friend and our baby. We have pictures all over the house of him and my daughters both have his paw prints tattooed on them. Denver’s death is still heart breaking to us that's probably why it has taken so long to write this about him, he will always be in our hearts and always be our special boy, we miss him so much the love we have for him and all the love he gave us, I will always be forever grateful for every second we got to be with him. Until we meet again sleep tight little boy, my sweetheart♥️♥️♥️
Percy the DSH%

Percy the DSH

Favourite place to snooze:
On mummy’s bed on her dressing gown
Favourite Toy:
His froggy
Favourite Treat:
He once happily ate some salt and vinegar crisps before mum noticed. We couldn’t believe he enjoyed them !
Favourite Person:
Naughtiest trait:
Licking dirty water from the sink
Comments from the owner:
Percy was the absolute light of my life. I rescued him at 12 weeks and he instantly became a huge part of my life. We spent a lot of time training him and he was so clever and loved to learn. He could play fetch and his favourite thing to play with was a ball of foil. Cats are meant to be scared of foil so I used it to cover my kitchen counters to deter him from jumping up. One day I came home to find the foil ripped to shreds all over the floor, he was having the time of his life playing with it. He was so loving and always would tell me when he wanted to cuddle. We would spend hours cuddling and playing, he was such a happy boy. Although he was only with me for a year, it was the best year and I am so glad I brought him into my life. I hope wherever he is now, he has plenty of foil to play with
Narla the Boxer%

Narla the Boxer

Comments from the owner:
Narla was a wonderful part of our family for eight years. She was the sweetest, most loving dog and gave the best cuddles and sloppy kisses, especially to all the children in our families. She loved her walks and would sulk until she was taken out. Narla would always chase those pesky cats and even saying 'cats' would wind her up. She was the best big sister to our four year old Charlie and little sister to our fourteen year old Aston, even if she did steal their food now and again. Her favourite thing to do was zoomies all around the house and garden, even at 1am in the morning when we were all asleep. Throwing her biscuits around was her favourite game to play. She took part in many charity runs with her Mummy and even climbed a mountain! She has definitely left her paw print on all of hearts and no one could ever replace her, our special Pupper Dawg ♥️
Simba the British Longhair%

Simba the British Longhair

Favourite place to snooze:
Windowsill looking onto the road
Favourite Toy:
His catnip banana
Favourite Treat:
Scraps of takeaway chicken
Favourite Person:
Anyone who would give him a lap to sit on and attention on his own terms.
Naughtiest trait:
Food gremlin
Comments from the owner:
Simba was a stray cat for at least 8 years in the area, after his original owner excluded him from the house. He had several neighbours look after him but when his fur got so matted, it was time to call the RSPCA. Not long after, we adopted him and he had the most amazing 6 years with us, being spoilt, cared for and loved. Simba never liked to be picked up or his belly being touched, meaning he got regular lion cuts. He would nip to tell you he didn't like it but never to cause pain, just to set boundaries. He was regularly referred to as feisty and spicy by the vets and nurses.
Tinks the Moggy%

Tinks the Moggy

Favourite place to snooze:
Favourite Toy:
Dead birds or mice
Favourite Treat:
Favourite Person:
Her dad
Naughtiest trait:
Bringing us dead birds or mice
Comments from the owner:
She would gently paw at your cheek, if it had gone past teatime (5pm). She would jump on your shoulders and lie across the back of your neck. We have had her since birth, born on 23/4/07 , 3 girls and 1 boy who we obviously called George.
Buddy the Golden Retriever%

Buddy the Golden Retriever

Comments from the owner:
Buddy 25/5/10. A special boy - one of 11, 9 dogs and 2 bitches. He was our pick of litter. His temperament has been superb all his life. He has competed in the show ring and also worked picking up on shoots. He gained various awards over the years. He gained his Show Gundog Working Certificate and was a therapy dog for the handicapped. He gave blood 4 times. Now totally blind through cataracts and also has a cancer on his nose. The best dog of all!
Tonks the Rottweiler%

Tonks the Rottweiler

Favourite place to snooze:
Mum's bed or the kids beds
Favourite Toy:
Her duck
Favourite Treat:
Favourite Person:
Mum or the baby
Naughtiest trait:
Barking at the postman
Comments from the owner:
Tonks loved to play on the park with the children from our estate. The postman also brought her treats
Jasper the Westie%

Jasper the Westie

Favourite place to snooze:
Favourite Toy:
Life size look-a-like dog toy
Favourite Treat:
Favourite Person:
Naughtiest trait:
Tyson the Rottweiler%

Tyson the Rottweiler

Favourite place to snooze:
In my dad’s spot on the sofa
Favourite Toy:
My squeaky reindeer and big tennis ball
Favourite Treat:
Carrots, on my last day I stole one out of the shopping bag when my parents weren’t looking
Favourite Person:
My dad
Naughtiest trait:
Talking back to my parents
Comments from the owner:
Tyson loved when you scratched his bum, he would do an excited stomp and growl while you did. He would also lick doorframes if he was shut out of a room, we think he was trying to lick the door until it dissolved and he could get in. He couldn’t do anything without someone holding his paw, and the paw holding was not optional. Everyone who met him adored him and he was the best boy in the whole world.
Oakley the GSD x Rottweiler%

Oakley the GSD x Rottweiler

Favourite place to snooze:
Spread out in the sun in the garden, or on the sofa
Favourite Treat:
Favourite Person:
Me, he was very loyal
Naughtiest trait:
He wasn't good with people he didn't know
Comments from the owner:
He was a working dog till 5yrs - then was our pet. Myself and my children fondly called him 'Oakley Dokley'. He protected me with his life when I was burgled while me and my kids were asleep in bed, and he protected me when a man jumped out at a woods to attack me on a dog walk. Best dog I ever owned and will miss the most.
ZEUS the Staffy bull terrier%

ZEUS the Staffy bull terrier

Favourite place to snooze:
On me or on people.
Favourite Toy:
Antler dog chews
Favourite Treat:
Antler dog chews.. lol
Favourite Person:
Me, his DAD.
Naughtiest trait:
Jumping up in mornings for cuddles under the covers at stupid o'clock
Comments from the owner:
He's a loving special boy. Loved everyone. And really saved my life many times..

Jess the Mixed breed

Favourite place to snooze:
On my bed
Favourite Toy:
Orange ball and laser Pen
Favourite Person:
Naughtiest trait:
Did not like other cats in her garden
Comments from the owner:
Jess was a loving, gentle little girl. She never scratched or hurt anyone. She was extremely shy
Lola the Staffordshire Bull%

Lola the Staffordshire Bull

Favourite place to snooze:
The sofa
Favourite Toy:
Favourite Treat:
Favourite Person:
Naughtiest trait:
Steals food
Comments from the owner:
The best dog ever
Izzy the French Bulldog%

Izzy the French Bulldog

Favourite place to snooze:
Next to mum on the couch, where she would gently rub my head with her nails. I also loved belly rubs.
Favourite Toy:
I loved playing with my two sisters and brother, who are chihuahua's. We loved playing silly together and then cuddling on the couch or the big fluffy beanbag.
Comments from the owner:
My name is Izzy, but my human mummy and daddy always called me Wizzy. I was a mummy to two beautiful babies - unfortunately one of my babies did not make it. My daughter is now a mummy herself, having two beautiful girls born on the Queen's jubilee. When Dad came home from work, I knew it was tea time, and I would always get a share of Dad's tea with my brother and sisters. I know my human mummy and daddy will miss me, but I am safe and happy with my brother Henry now. We will look out for each other - paw promise.
Pudja (aka Pudding) the EBT x Staffie%

Pudja (aka Pudding) the EBT x Staffie

Favourite place to snooze:
In the sunshine
Favourite Toy:
Rope tug
Favourite Treat:
Favourite Person:
Naughtiest trait:
Stealing your food
Comments from the owner:
Pudding loved people and kids, he loved to sunbathe, to cuddle up and have tickles on his tummy. He would do mental zoomies around the garden or on the rugs, and give you a goofy smile afterwards. He was the most loving doggo ever…unless you were another dog, or a cat and he would let no birds land in the garden on his watch! He will be greatly missed by everyone who had the pleasure to know him.
Pax the Mixed terrier%

Pax the Mixed terrier

Favourite place to snooze:
Favourite Toy:
A tennis ball
Favourite Treat:
Any thing he shouldn’t have
Favourite Person:
Naughtiest trait:
Eating 9 Cadbury’s cream eggs
Sasha the Cavalier king Charles spaniel%

Sasha the Cavalier king Charles spaniel

Favourite place to snooze:
On our settee next to us
Favourite Toy:
She didn't have one
Favourite Treat:
Anything edible
Favourite Person:
Definitely Linda
Naughtiest trait:
Didn't have one
Comments from the owner:
Sasha was 17 months old when we got her and although we tried to play with her and bought her many toys she just didn't want to play. She was just content to snuggle up to us although she did love her walks.
Stella the Staffordshire bull terrier%

Stella the Staffordshire bull terrier

Favourite place to snooze:
The big double bed I shared with mummy
Favourite Toy:
My millions of teddies
Favourite Treat:
Roast dinner
Favourite Person:
Naughtiest trait:
Chewing up my toys and getting the mess everywhere.
Comments from the owner:
Stella was a loving sweet big teddy that loved her cuddles. She wasn’t a morning dog at all she loved staying in bed. She was a crazy dog constantly running around and chasing her own tail. She didn’t let the fact she only had one eye stop her. She will be missed very much but never forgotten.

Honey the Husky cross

Favourite place to snooze:
Under my feet
Favourite Treat:
My pizza crusts
Favourite Person:
The wife ...
Naughtiest trait:
Comments from the owner:
Honey was just a big soft bear that just loved all the family and loved all the attention .. she will be deeply missed by all the family
Dexter the Boxer%

Dexter the Boxer

Favourite place to snooze:
The sofa
Favourite Toy:
An old scrubbing brush
Favourite Treat:
Anything he wasn't supposed to eat
Favourite Person:
His running mate, Beau
Naughtiest trait:
Rolling in badger poo
Comments from the owner:
Dexter always greeted his family with a gift in his mouth (not to be touched) and a wiggling bum. We miss that wiggle. He was so sociable to all other dogs and appalled if a dog snarled at him, he couldn't understand how another dog could be so rude. He shared everything, except stones, with his buddy, Beau. They slept together, ate together, played together. Poor Beau is now bereft, as are we. Dexter was so brave, he had both cruciate operated on 8 weeks apart but never limped at all. Stoic to the end. I hope someone learns something from him. Goodbye our Clown Prince.
Frodo Baggins the Domestic shorthair%

Frodo Baggins the Domestic shorthair

Favourite place to snooze:
The dogs bed
Favourite Toy:
Favourite Treat:
Favourite Person:
Mammy or Theo
Naughtiest trait:
Comments from the owner:
Such a loving boy. 17 years and he still acted like a kitten.
Dinky the Cross%

Dinky the Cross

Favourite place to snooze:
With mum
Favourite Toy:
Any toy mum gave me
Favourite Treat:
Favourite Person:
Naughtiest trait:
Barking to make me sit with him
Comments from the owner:
Dinky was a perfect boy, loved mum (me) with a passion, as a young dog he refused to poo in the garden, he waited for his walk, as an old boy he pooed where he stood. Miss him so much!
Trevor the Domestic shorthair%

Trevor the Domestic shorthair

Favourite place to snooze:
Mum’s chest
Favourite Toy:
His own tail!
Naughtiest trait:
Not letting anyone else get a cuddle with mum
George the Greyhound%

George the Greyhound

Comments from the owner:
The photo is two 6year olds flashing their smiles for the camera
Harvey the Golden Retiever%

Harvey the Golden Retiever

Favourite place to snooze:
In a doorway
Favourite Toy:
Orange Fox
Favourite Treat:
Cheese Biscuits
Favourite Person:
Our Son in Law
Naughtiest trait:
Lying in doorways
Comments from the owner:
We got Harvey as a rehome at 11 months and found out that he had been kept in a shed, so we had some issues with him but with TLC and some training he became a wonderful family friend.
Jep the Fawn Lurcher%

Jep the Fawn Lurcher

Favourite place to snooze:
On the sofa
Favourite Toy:
Jep loved to play ball but never fetch, he loved to be chased after
Favourite Treat:
Jep loved cheese and a sneaky slice of pizza
Favourite Person:
Charlie his 5yr old little human. Charlie is Autistic and Jep understood his needs
Naughtiest trait:
Would chase cats out of the garden!
Comments from the owner:
Jep loved to smile, play and be cuddled. He had a big heart and oozed love and affection. He will be forever missed by his family. I wanted Jep to leave more than broken hearts behind, i have found peace knowing he has contributed to helping treat others.
Puma the Domestic shorthair%

Puma the Domestic shorthair

Favourite place to snooze:
Our bed or next to the airing cupboard where the warm pipes run
Favourite Toy:
Laser pen
Favourite Treat:
Any kind... Dreamies were a firm favourite, now that she struggles with those, she loves a Lick-e-lix or 5
Favourite Person:
She loves us equally but for different reasons
Naughtiest trait:
Just her general catitude, she has it in spades
Comments from the owner:
Puma (pronounced Poo-ma) has never been the snuggliest of pumas, we never knew what might have happened before she was rescued but she does enjoy a bedtime snuggle, morning and night and these are the times we will miss her the most
Mr Bojangles the Domestic longhair%

Mr Bojangles the Domestic longhair

Favourite place to snooze:
On my daughters bed
Favourite Toy:
Laser pen
Favourite Treat:
Tin of tuna
Favourite Person:
Naughtiest trait:
Scratching the sofa
Millie the Staffordshire cross%

Millie the Staffordshire cross

Favourite place to snooze:
On the sofa
Favourite Toy:
Barry the badger
Favourite Treat:
Pigs ears
Favourite Person:
Naughtiest trait:
Rummaging in the bin.
Comments from the owner:
Millie has such a kind soul and will be so dearly missed.
Barney the Cairn Terrier%

Barney the Cairn Terrier

Favourite place to snooze:
By the front door
Favourite Toy:
Cuddly dog
Favourite Treat:
Pigs ears
Favourite Person:
Naughtiest trait:
Stealing food when he could reach it!
Yossi the Bullmastif%

Yossi the Bullmastif

Favourite place to snooze:
He loved to sleep in the living room sometimes on the top of the stairs
Favourite Toy:
He loved his chicken and crocodile and loved to play ball with his dad
Favourite Treat:
Most favourite treat was biscuits but loved human food aswell
Favourite Person:
He loved his dad mam and sister kerris and got so excited when he saw his nana with the red car
Naughtiest trait:
He barked alot when he saw the postie and window cleaner
Comments from the owner:
Yossi was a much loved part of our family and we miss him so much he was always 1st at the door to greet any of us for his belly rubbed hope every1 sees our loving pet and reads this with a big smile on their face .
Mabel the Ginger Moggy%

Mabel the Ginger Moggy

Favourite place to snooze:
Mabel loved to lie in the Sunshine, she would sleep outside or on one of our beds upstairs. She loved to cuddle up with us on the bed and sleep, especially up against us.
Favourite Toy:
She did not really have a toy, but obviously liked toys with cat nip inside and when she was younger she did run after balls and ribbons. She did like to catch mice and bring them in and for some reason she had an obsession of bringing in leaves during the autumn and letting us know they were there during the night.
Favourite Treat:
Butter was her favourite treat.
Favourite Person:
She didn't really have a favourite member of the family.
Naughtiest trait:
Mabel was a real talker, she would love to chat with us. Due to her accident when she was just 6 months, she got run over and broke her hip with spinal shock, she would be incintienet of urine, especially when asleep which was a real nuisance as we did a lot of cleaning up after her.
Comments from the owner:
Mabel was a very affectionate cat, she used to sit on our laps and sleep, she would often chat away to us and we all loved her very much. She deteriorated very quickly and it was a shock to us all when we realised she was so poorly. We all miss her a lot but her brother, Billy, is still with us fitting fit.
Mizzi the Prob pointer x greyhound type%

Mizzi the Prob pointer x greyhound type

Favourite place to snooze:
Favourite Toy:
her 2 soft furry balls which she carried round like babies
Favourite Treat:
black pudding sausage
Favourite Person:
Mummy and daddy equally
Naughtiest trait:
Comments from the owner:
Woke up every morning like she had won the lottery glad to still be in her new life after previous one in Romania
Benji the Rottweiler cross%

Benji the Rottweiler cross

Favourite place to snooze:
Benji's favorite place to snooze was anywhere as long as he was in the way lol
Favourite Toy:
Benji was obsessed with crushing plastic bottles to the point of pestering you for yours when it wasn't even empty, and god forbid if you left it alone in his company because it would not survive till you got back. HaHa
Favourite Treat:
Benji loved Chocolate
Favourite Person:
Benji's favourite person was who ever he could get to pay attention to him, as long as he got all their attention, then they were his favourite
Naughtiest trait:
Benji's worst trait was that he hated Cats
Comments from the owner:
Benji was also a master escape artist, door, window, gate, didn't matter if it was open he was gone in a flash
Polly the Greyhound%

Polly the Greyhound

Comments from the owner:
A Priceless Gift has brought me much comfort. Thank you. The vet asked me to send a quick profile about my puppy so here goes: I was 12 years, 2 weeks and 6 days old when I went to sleep in a beautiful garden. Everyone I ever knew called me 'Smiler', I had 356 different smiles! Sometimes I fluttered my eye lashes at Denzil. I liked chasing helicopters. I hated the rain and sunk instead of swimming. I am not waterproof and need to be wrung out like a sponge if I get wet. I wasn't very good at coming back when I was told. I was a naughty thief and quite greedy! My favourite games (with Annabel) were 'Feet' (stuffing all my feet in my mouth at once, tail too while I wriggled on my back laughing) and 'Snappy Face'! (Which I also thought was hilarious). My favourite game (with Denz) was 'Tuggy' when I used to go crazy. I hated all cats (except a little black one called Giblem). I hope I can help other puppies. Thanks again.

Max the Labrador

Comments from the owner:
Max had a little brain but a big heart, he enjoyed people, walks and food
Bully the Border collie cross%

Bully the Border collie cross

Favourite place to snooze:
In front of fire place
Favourite Toy:
Favourite Treat:
Dentastix and sizzlers
Favourite Person:
Naughtiest trait:
Stealing food
Comments from the owner:
Bully was an adorable friendly dog who has been in the family since he was born in Ireland he then came to us from my mum and we have had him 10 years of his life and I have enjoyed everyday I have had with him xx
Pip the Jack Russell%

Pip the Jack Russell

Favourite place to snooze:
Usually at the end of our bed when he was poorly In his fluffy bed.
Favourite Toy:
Tennis ball
Favourite Treat:
Favourite Person:
Naughtiest trait:
Giving puppy eyes for more treats
Comments from the owner:
Pip was a loyal and loving part of our family for 10 years, we will miss his cheeky ways and loving cuddles.

Coco the Cat

Comments from the owner:
Coco arrived at our house with her brother, at the time she was a shy, reserved kitten. As she was many shades of chocolate, she was given a chocolate themed name. Once Coco came out of her shell, she was a true tortoise, she did not engage with me for about 6 months after our youngest was born and didn’t want anything to do with the youngest for about 6 years. You always knew when she had had enough petting, by a well placed nip Coco was definitely the boss of our multi-cat household and when our rescue dog (lab X) joined the family 5 years ago, Coco quickly showed her who the boss was. This was repeated on the arrival at of our second dog, a lab, and with all the dogs who came round for play dates or to stay over.
Monte the Doberman%

Monte the Doberman

Favourite place to snooze:
On the bed
Favourite Toy:
Mike the Monkey, Ray the Reptile, Kevin the Christmas Carrot
Favourite Treat:
Sausages... but pretty much anything!!!
Favourite Person:
Whoever would fuss him!
Naughtiest trait:
Passing wind!!!
Comments from the owner:
Monte's personality centered around love and affection, he would always come to greet you as you walked through the front door with one of his many toys, which no matter how bad your day was, would guarantee to make you smile and happy to see everyone’s favourite family member.
Kali (Brightstar Fizz) the Flatcoated Retriever%

Kali (Brightstar Fizz) the Flatcoated Retriever

Favourite place to snooze:
On the sofa
Favourite Toy:
Tennis ball
Favourite Treat:
Everything, especially chicken pieces
Favourite Person:
All the family, especially Orlando
Naughtiest trait:
Stealing food from surfaces
Comments from the owner:
Kali was a very beautiful, kind, personable, gentle responsive dog. A joy to be with.
Cooper the Labrador%

Cooper the Labrador

Comments from the owner:
This is the gorgeous Cooper, affectionately known as Coopey-poop. After a bit of a shady unknown start in life he came to live with us and has enjoyed months of being a loved part of our family. Cooper enjoyed going to the beach, although he was terrified of the water! He loved playing with his enrichment toys and going for long walks with his football. Unfortunately Cooper’s behaviour issues became too much and he didn’t seem to know himself at times anymore. The decision was sadly made to put him to sleep but he will be greatly missed.

Alfie the King Charles Spaniel

Favourite place to snooze:
On his chair by the window
Favourite Toy:
Cuddly Tigger
Favourite Treat:
Favourite Person:
Naughtiest trait:
Barking at postman and window cleaners
Comments from the owner:
He hated cats but was the most loving & adorable little boy


Favourite Treat:
His best friend was Peggy
Comments from the owner:
He has been a faithful dog to us and our other dog, Peggy. 9 years of a good life after being rescued. People always said what a handsome boy he was and he will be sadly missed by all those who knew him

Bryher the Springer Spaniel

Favourite Toy:
He would almost combust with excitement whenever he put up a pheasant but never made a sound, however, he always yelped when he started to chase a dear.
Favourite Treat:
Bryher had a strange addiction for dentastixs, he would mark the drawer they were kept in until he was given one!
Favourite Person:
Caitlin and Lydia spent hours with Bryher over many summer holidays, and he became a massive part of their childhood
Naughtiest trait:
He proved to be a very attentive companion for everyone, especially pheasants, partridge and the occasional deer (who he loved to chase).
Comments from the owner:
On every walk he would always find a puddle to lie in
Ralf the Labrador (black)%

Ralf the Labrador (black)

Favourite place to snooze:
Favourite Toy:
Favourite Treat:
Anything tasty!
Favourite Person:
Naughtiest trait:
Chewing when he was a pup!
Comments from the owner:
He was such a dear soul who loved balls, his humans & life
Milo the Terrier%

Milo the Terrier

Favourite place to snooze:
Our handsome pup had a gentle and kind heart and gave us all comfort in times of upset.
Favourite Toy:
Milo loved to play fight with our cat ollie and especially loved the attention we all gave him
Favourite Treat:
Our puppy milo loves to eat carrots, toast, cheese and especially the remaining of yoghurt pots!
Favourite Person:
We loved to take him out on long walks down the field and he loved to run around with all his friends in the park
Comments from the owner:
We will always remember the first day we met him when he was perched up on his back legs praying at us, and he has done it ever since
Enzo the Boxer%

Enzo the Boxer

Comments from the owner:
This, is Enzo. He was the most wonderful dog. A loyal companion, a true entertainer, such a gentle soul. Enzo was a once in a lifetime dog and we all miss him terribly. It is some comfort to us that we can gift Enzo to you in the hope that it will enable you to take good care of someone else’s beloved pet. Take good care of our boy,